Hydration Supplements Weight Loss
Facilitator Libby Wright discusses the role of hydration in weight loss with participants of the Your Best Weight program. She provides practical tips for getting proper hydration that everyone can do. The webinar last for 21 minutes and addresses questions submitted by the program participants.
What follows is the text transcription from the webinar for those who would like to read it. You can also view or download a PDF of the discussion slides.
Hi, my name is Libby Wright, and I would like to welcome you to our broadcast today in Your Best Weight, our SupplementRelief.com program. We're going to speak today about our first topic, which is hydration. So we're going to talk about water and all different types of hydration besides water. And we're going to talk about the fact that you know, you should probably drink a lot of water, but we have a lot of excuses as to why we don't. So I'd like to talk with you just a little bit about that today.
Just a little bit of housekeeping. I want to remind you, my name is Libby Wight. I'm one of the founders of SupplementRelief.com. I'm not a medical professional. Um, I just do this as a service to other people based on my own personal experiences getting myself healthy. Um, I'd also like to remind you that we do keep all attendees are in listen only mode. So you are muted. If you have any questions that you'd like to ask at the end of the session, please go into your questions section in your Goto Webinar control panel. Go ahead and type those in and we'll get through as many of those as we can before our time runs out. We do try to keep this to a 20 minute session, so, uh, get, get us those questions and we'll get to as many as we possibly can in that 20 minute time period.
So now we get to get on with the fun part. Before I say anything more, I also want to remind you that before you start any regiments, be they supplements, new diets, new exercise, anything like that, we always think it's best for you to clear it with your health professional and highly encouraged that. So with that, we're going to go ahead and start talking about hydration and we're going to start with a little parable.
Parables are just a story with a meaning. And basically this parable is about knowing what you should do but not really knowing your goal. So, um, we are attempting to move across country. We're moving out west from Michigan and right now we have boxes everywhere and movers. They've been here all day moving our, all of our possessions out west. And um, my husband and I were sitting at the kitchen table on Sunday night and my husband said to me, okay, Libby, what do we need to do to get ready for Tuesday? What is our strategy, what needs to be accomplished? And I just kind of laughed. And I said, okay, here's my big strategy. Are you ready for it? We were both totally exhausted after all the boxes we had done all weekend. And I said, everything that's not in a box needs to go in a box before Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM when the movers get here. And we both laughed because you know you could come up with some crazy strategy and try and think about this or that or the other. But really at the end of the day, we just needed to get it done. Everything we wanted to go out West had to get into a box by Tuesday morning or couldn't go with us.
So I'd like to talk with you about hydration in that sense. We know we're supposed to hydrate, we know what we're supposed to do. Sometimes we don't know how to do it, but sometimes it's simply because we don't have a good goal in mind. Now, there are a lot of different ways that we can talk about goals. One thing would be with our perfect weight is to talk about our body mass index calculator. So I'd like to walk you through that really quickly. Um, this is kind of a standard in the industry of what a BMI should be.
Um, this is that body fat percentage. This is measuring all the different components of your body and figuring out what your BMI is. Now, if you're an elite athlete, high performer, or you're working with an integrative provider like a physician, these numbers are going to be a little bit different. They're going to be a little less forgiving shall we say. But for our purposes in general, this is what we're going to talk through. So underweight is the first category I'd like to talk with you about. 18.5 percent or less would be underweight in the body mass index. And one of the things we like to talk about with Your Best Weight is the fact that sometimes it's not just the problem with being fat. People think, oh, I'm too heavy. Oh, I'm overweight. Oh, I'm obese. But underweight can be just as damaging and difficult for people as overweight. So we want to make sure that we don't neglect the fact that if you're underweight, you may need to do some things to bulk up and get yourself healthier. Okay, so that's number one.
Number two, a normal BMI, 18.5 to 24.9. That means you're in that healthy range. Again, if you're working as an elite athlete or with a physician who is an integrated provider, they may want to trim that number down just a little bit, but that's our general rule of thumb. Overweight 25 percent to 29.9 percent and then over 30 percent would be obese. And we watched our numbers, overweight and obese are medical diagnostic codes. So these tell us that you are at a higher risk for things like high blood pressure, diabetes, just glucose problems in general, heart disease. All these different things, so you just want to make sure that, um, that if you are in the overweight or obese category that you're taking care of that. Now, if you want to play around with this calculator a little bit yourself, you can see this is the bottom of the screen and we do record all these webinars so you can go, feel free to go back and, and look at that in our recordings to find this website if you can't find it. But, um, I would highly encourage you if this is something you're interested in, to go in and speak with an integrated provider, a health coach, go into a gym. They can do a BMI with you very quickly and easily.
So one goal could be that BMI. I want to get my BMI to- let's go back from an let's say that we're the overweight category. Maybe we want to get our BMI to 20 or 21. I mean we were obese and we want to move down a category. Whatever that is, to get you into that best weight for you, that will really be what's perfect for you. So I'd encourage you to set a goal in what your BMI is. That's one good way to set goals. The second thing is hydration. Now, a lot of people just want to know how much is enough. But if we were all sitting in a room together today, not in our virtual classroom, I would have us play a game and say let's fill in the blank. So I would say everyone needs to drink blank glasses of water every day and everyone would say six to eight, eight ounce glasses of water every day, right?
So I don't have us in the virtual classroom, but I'd like to give you the formula that again is an industry standard, something that we like to use to just use as a guiding principle for people to know how much water they really should drink in a day. So in this again is found on our website as well. So let's say you weigh 100 pounds- we're going to just keep this real simple. We'll divide that in half. So it will go to the number of 50. That's how many ounces in water everyday you should be drinking. That's your goal, that's the minimum, so if you weigh 100 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 50 ounces of water per day. You weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water everyday, and so it goes, so it's a very simple formula to help you get there.
Now, most people do not drink this much water every single day. I'll just tell you, it takes some work and some effort and it takes some thought behind it and at the end of our time if we have enough time, I'll be able to share with you a little bit more about how I count my water every day. If not, that's on the website as well, so a lot of people wonder why does water matter? Now that might seem like kind of a counterintuitive question. We know that we're made up of a lot of water as organisms, but there are some really specific reasons why water matters, especially when we're trying to get to that best weight. When you're well hydrated, your metabolism is working the very best that it can and you burn calories actually a lot faster than if you were dehydrated even a little bit. Here's an interesting quote that people, after they drank water, their metabolism began to um, increase within 10 minutes with a maximum of 30 to 40 minutes getting higher calories burned.
So really good thing. Another article that we have on our website talks about depression and fatigue and things like that. That's another side effect of being dehydrated. So water matters for more than just the typical reasons we think of. Here's another thought that I want to pass onto you. Now, we need to stay hydrated, but most people do not hydrate strictly from water, about 50 percent. This is an average here. Fifty percent of people get their fluid from water. Thirty percent get fluid from other beverages. Twenty percent get fluid from other foods. So one of the things you may be wondering is, okay, I need to up the ante. I need to get more water in my diet, but I really don't like to drink water. What else can I do? Well, maybe you can bump that fluid from other beverages up a bit more to help you get that hydration.
We recommend a black coffee, green tea. Those are both very good antioxidants, as long as you're not putting a bunch of sugar in there, a bunch of milk in there. If you're doing the green teas and the coffees, those are very good and healthy for you in general. Um, also, you know, just you can add a lot of fluid in by changing the way you eat. And again, that may seem a little bit counterintuitive, but let me show you what I mean. So you can actually eat your water is one of the things that we suggest when you're trying to hydrate and just change your life in general and get into your best weight, uh, it will take a whole weekend on eating alone. But I just want to share a little bit of this with you. Some of these fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches, you have the highest water content.
So when you eat those, it's actually 90 percent fluid. Ninety percent water. Vegetables- you've got cucumbers, lettuces, celery, and zucchini- that was one that was a little bit of a surprise to me, but you can actually up your water and your fluid intake simply by choosing to eat these. So instead of maybe going to the vending machine or going into the cupboard and grabbing some crackers, try some of these fresh fruits and vegetables and that's going to help you to hydrate yourself even more.
So, what else can really be done? Um, we just touched on whole natural foods. The less processed foods you eat, the more natural foods you eat, the more hydration you're naturally going to get. Movement everyday is another thing that you can do. Maybe another goal you set for Your Best Weight. And the best movements that we have found is something called Tabata and there's a lot of different variations of this, but basically it's short bursts of activity and they're intense and you do it very briefly, a couple times a day. And it actually has been shown in some of the literature to reduce, um, to reduce blood sugar numbers in diabetics.
So, um, I love to do pilates in the morning, a short burst of it, maybe 10 minutes, but I really get my heart rate going. And then in the evening I might go for a fast walk or play some soccer with my kids. Whatever it is I can do to get my heart rate up again. So very simple way to do it. A lot of people feel intimidated going to the gym or saying, I'm going to sign up for this class or that class because it's such a long time commitment. You know, if you go to a yoga class or a different spin class, you might be committing to two and a half, maybe even three hours of your time by the time you get to the gym, do your workout and then you know, leave and head to your next destination. So I recommend these short bursts of activity there. They're gonna help you a lot.
The other thing I'd recommend is supplements, um, you know, we're talking today about the basics. So hydration is really as foundational and ground level as you can get, but right behind it is, is supplementing yourself. A lot of people do not eat perfectly. Most people don't. We don't have an organic farm. We don't have a garden in our backyard. You know, sometimes people end up in drive throughs sometimes people are eating and drinking things that are not healthy for them. So what can you do to give your body the best advantage that you can, that's very simple and easy to do. The Maintain- Don't Gain Pack (currently renamed to Core Nutrition Pack - 30d), is really good for anyone whether you're, whether you need to lose weight or not. It's kind of our gold standard, it's what we start people on who have never really been on supplements or have some energy issues.
So MultiMedia is a great multivitamin. We've got it in Men's, Women's or just the plain one (Without Iron) for either. Corti-B Plex is going to help with that energy level and then AdrenaMed is something that helps people with their stress. Uh, we work a lot in the manufacturing sector and one of our clients came to us and said, you know what, I was drinking two pots of coffee a day just to stay on my feet the whole time I needed to be working and instead of, of drinking the two pots of coffee, now I'm actually just using these supplements and drinking a little bit of coffee throughout the day just because I enjoy the flavor of it while it's a big change. And um, so these are some great supplements to just get your started if you've never been in the supplement world before.
So I guess what I'd like to bring to you now is what is your goal? What is your challenge? I'd like to ask you to post at least one goal in the Discussion Forum of this week's lesson. If you haven't been to our website yet or haven't really explored it, I highly recommend that you do it. We've got a Watch tab with a short instructional video where I'm teaching a little bit on hydration. We've got a Challenge where we're asking people to do change one habit each week. We've got some great definitions, we've got a really nice article on more ways that you can hydrate yourself. And then we've also got this discussion forum. The discussion forum is a way for us to communicate with each other. Um, it's a way for us to ask questions that maybe we wouldn't feel comfortable asking. Um, and we can just say, you know, who's tried MultiMedica, what do you think of it? How are you hydrating?
Whatever it is your questions are, or you can post a response and let us know what you're doing this week to change your hydration levels. So we're gonna delve in. We've got just a few minutes left here and I wanted to delve in for just a second into our questions. So we have several questions. If you have not posted your question yet, feel free to do that. In the Goto Webinar control panel, there is a button called questions and you can go ahead and type your question in and I'll be able to see it. As I mentioned before, I keep all of the participants muted so that we don't have unwanted background noise. So feel free to type in your question and I'll try and get to it. If I can, I'll plow through as many of these questions as I can, but I do want to remind you of the 20 minute Webinar.
The webinar questions and answers have been posted in the Discussion Forum.
Libby Wright, mother of four who homeschools, is an original founder of SupplementRelief.com in 2010. She suffered through challenging diseases including Interstitial Cystitis, Graves and Lyme. After years of little progress with traditional medicine, she pursued integrative medicine, applied what she learned, and got healthier. She became passionate about wanting others to experience the same "relief" she had come to know, and SupplementRelief.com was born. She is now managing her illness with a lot of prayer, a lot of nutrition/supplements, and a little prescription medicine. She has been able to resume her normal life and, while there is no cure for her particular conditions, she is able to cope, enjoy every day, and encourage others.
Learn more about Libby Wright.
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